Heat Pump Technical Assessments
Under the Better Energy Homes scheme, homeowners can receive a grant of up to €3,800 to install a heat pump, depending on the type of system and the size of the home.
Heat Pump Technical Assessment

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) offers heat pump grants to homeowners who wish to install a heat pump system to replace their existing heating system. To be eligible for these grants, homeowners must have a technical assessment of their property carried out by a registered heat pump technical assessor.

Under the Better Energy Homes scheme, homeowners can receive a grant of up to €6,500 to install a heat pump, depending on the type of system and the size of the home. The grant covers between 30 = 70% of the cost of the installation depending on the heat pump installed, and there are additional bonuses available for those who complete multiple upgrades at the same time as installing a heat pump.

To qualify for the grant, the homeowner must complete a technical assessment of the property to ensure that it is suitable for the installation of a heat pump. A heat pump technical assessor is a professional who is trained and qualified to assess the suitability of a property for the installation of a heat pump system.

The technical assessment involves an examination of the property's insulation, heating requirements, and suitability for a heat pump system. The assessor will also evaluate the existing heating system and recommend the most appropriate heat pump system for the property. The technical assessment is an essential part of the heat pump grant application process, and it must be carried out by a registered and qualified heat pump technical assessor.

SEAI offer a €200 grant towards the technical assessment of your home. This grant is only payable in conjunction with the heat pump system grant. To qualify for this grant you must:
Use an SEAI registered Technical Advisor
Complete the heat pump system and any upgrades required according to the programme rules
Once the technical assessment has been completed, the homeowner can apply for a heat pump grant through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). If the application is successful, the homeowner can then proceed with the installation of the heat pump system. The grant amount will depend on the type of heat pump system installed and the property's size and insulation level.
The SEAI also offers a range of other grants and supports for businesses and public sector organizations that wish to adopt energy-efficient technologies, including heat pumps. These include grants for renewable energy systems, energy audits, and energy-efficient lighting.

If you are interested in applying for a heat pump grant in Ireland, it is important to work with a registered contractor who is qualified to install heat pumps and to complete a technical assessment to ensure that your property is suitable for the installation. The SEAI website provides detailed information on the eligibility criteria and application process for heat pump grants and other energy efficiency grants and supports.

Heat Pumps in Ireland

Heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular in Ireland as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional heating systems. Heat pumps work by extracting heat from the air or ground and using it to heat your home or water.

In Ireland, air source heat pumps are the most common type of heat pump, as they are suitable for the mild climate and do not require a lot of space. Ground source heat pumps are also an option, but they require more space and are more expensive to install.

There are a number of incentives available for homeowners in Ireland who choose to install a heat pump. The Better Energy Homes scheme provides grants of up to €6,500 for heat pump installations, while the SEAI’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme provides ongoing payments to businesses who generate renewable heat.

However, it is important to note that heat pumps are not suitable for all homes and may require additional insulation or other upgrades to work efficiently. It is recommended that homeowners consult with a qualified Heat Pump Technical Assessor before deciding to install a heat pump.
There are several advantages of heat pumps in Ireland:

Energy Efficiency: Heat pumps are highly energy-efficient, as they transfer heat from the environment to the inside of the building, rather than generating heat themselves. This means they use less energy to produce the same amount of heat, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions.

Versatility: Heat pumps can be used for both heating and cooling, making them ideal for Ireland’s changeable climate. They can provide warmth during the winter months and cooling during the summer, making them a versatile solution for year-round comfort.

Renewable Energy: Heat pumps can be powered by renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power, which means they can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help to combat climate change.

Longevity: Heat pumps have a long lifespan, with some models lasting up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance. This means they are a cost-effective investment in the long term.

Government Grants: The Irish government offers grants and incentives to homeowners who install heat pumps, which can help to offset the cost of installation and make it more affordable for homeowners.


The SEAI Better Energy Homes Scheme: This scheme offered grants of up to €6,500 for the installation of an air source heat pump or ground source heat pump.

The Support Scheme for Renewable Heat (SSRH): This scheme offered grants for the installation of renewable heating systems, including heat pumps, for commercial, industrial, and agricultural premises.

The Climate Action Fund: This fund supported projects that would help Ireland to reach its climate action targets, and included funding for the installation of heat pumps in homes and businesses.

It’s worth noting that grant availability and amounts can change over time, so it’s important to check with the relevant government agencies or organizations to confirm current grant options and eligibility criteria.

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